The german weather reporting service (DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst) provides its raw data via a public anonymously accessible FTP server. This provides easy access to the observation data obtained by the DWD from its stations all over Germany. The DWD also provides certain grid data sets.
While this data can easily be georeferenced via a supplemental coordinate reference file, all the data is station centric. This means it is packaged as a time series of every station. If one wants to focus on the time dimension while using the data from all stations, the data needs to be converted to a time centric representation.
The goal of this project was to create a workflow which can create any map representation of the data provided by the DWD.
Testing a preliminary workflow resulted in this nice video visualizing measurements of air temperature in 10 minute intervals in July 2017.
This map shows Voronoi polygons created from the list of stations the DWD provides. Black polygons are stations with erroneous data, white polygons are stations which are no longer providing data.
The project yielded satisfactory results. Code is accessible via GitHub.